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Wednesday 25 April 2007

7 Weeks

Well I'm now at 7+1 and everything I have read says that things like morning sickness should be diminishing now. I must be a late bloomer because morning sickness and heartburn have hit full force within the last few days!! I tend to get evening sickness more than anything else and it's almost impossible to eat anything after 5:30 or 6:00pm. But I don't care...I have wanted to be pregnant for so long that I will gladly take any and all sickness, tiredness or bloating that comes as part of that package.

I am still in complete shock and sometimes I "forget" that I'm pregnant. It doesn't seem real to me yet. I need to hear the heartbeat or have a scan...that will make in 100% real to me. The midwife is coming in 5 days for my first appointment and I'm hoping we'll be able to hear the heartbeat then. Apparently the midwife will try, but it's not always easily heard this early on.

So, I'm tired, grumpy, have sore breasts, feel like throwing up every minute of the day......but I cannot remember ever being this happy.

Lots of love

Monday 16 April 2007

6 Weeks!

Well I am now at almost 6 weeks (5+6) and am feeling better by the day. My friends bought me a pregnancy journal and according to the notes, the heartbeat started a few days ago. I have my first appointment with the midwife in two weeks and I can't wait to hear the heartbeat...I cannot wait to hear MY baby's heartbeat. I have only known I am pregnant for just under two weeks but I am already so in love with this little baby.

I was in to see my doctor last week and he has taken me off Metformin which is wonderful...for the first time in two years I do not have to take pills every day. He also put my mind at ease about my surgery and all the medication I had. I'm not going to worry anymore. All I can do is take extra special care of this baby and hope for the best.

I have all the standard "symptoms" - bloated, nausea, sore breasts, insomnia but I am loving every minute of it. We have wanted this for so long that it sometimes still doesn't seem real.
We are happy, settled, and cannot wait to hold our child.

Lots of love

Sunday 8 April 2007

Four and a Half Weeks and Feeling Good

Well, my hubby and I discovered we were pregnant four days ago and are still trying to believe it. We have been trying to get pregnant for so long it's hard to believe that we have finally succeeded. My husband and I started fertily drugs last month and amazingly, they worked in the first month!! It is all the more unbelievable because I had surgery last month. I cannot believe that through the surgery and all the pain medication this little baby is still there and still growing.

We are so excited and cannot wait to hold our little girl or little boy in our arms. It's Easter long weekend at the moment so we won't be able to get in to see the doctor until Tuesday at the earliest. But we know with absolute certainty that we are pregnant....Andy didn't believe with the first test so he made me take another one...still didn't believe it after that so I took another. I think he's finally convinced. I'm more concerned about speaking to the doctor about my surgery and the medication I took. Also, I am on medication for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and I need to find out when (or if) to take myself off the medication.

We're happier than we have been in a long time. I know it is still very early days but we both feel really good about it. We have a strong little baby who survived surgery an we cannot wait to meet him or her.

Lots of love