
30 December 2008
New blog entry
Updated Photo links

19 December 2008
New blog entry
Updated Photo links

Friday 21 March 2008

Oh Canada....

After months of filling in forms and gathering all the necessary paperwork, we finally sent off our completed immigration application on Wednesday!! Yay!! We're so excited. Now the hard part starts though. There's no guarantee that we will be approved and we may have to wait up to 9 months to find out. Apparently, most applications are completed within 3 or 4 months but it could take as long as 9! I really hope we don't have to wait that long though...I think I would go mad! So now we need to get our butts in gear and get this flat finished off so we can sell it. Even if we don't get back to Canada, we are going to sell the flat. It's fine now, but once Anya gets mobile it'll quickly get too small for us.

Just a quick one tonight. Applications are in...please keep your fingers crossed for us!

Lots of love

Monday 17 March 2008

Mummy's Little Angel...

Nothing new really happening, just felt like posting a new picture of my lovely lil' bean and having a quick mushy moment about her. We are all doing brilliantly and are finally starting to settle into being a family. I know that sounds odd, considering Anya is 12 weeks old, but it's just now starting to feel comfortable and natural. I look forward to waking up in the morning so I can go into her room and laugh with her. She wakes up in the morning and chats to herself and then cracks the biggest smile when I go in and greets me with a laugh. I love her 11pm feed because she is sleepy, warm and cuddly and still smells of her bath. I love sitting her on my lap and having a "serious conversation" with her one minute (I swear, she talks to me) and then erupting into fits of giggles with each other. I love changing her nappy and letting her lay naked on the change mat. She loves this and kicks, smiles and laughs for as long as I let her stay naked (may prove worrisome in her teens!). But my absolute favourite part of being a mum is bathtime. My little girl is a fish at heart and is never happier than when she is in the tub. She has a quick wash and then she kicks and splashes for as long as she is happy to do so. I invariably end up soaked but it doesn't matter because it makes her happy, and that makes me happy. At 30, I finally feel like I know why I am here and what I am meant to be doing. It's simple really, I am here to be Anya's mum and all I need to do is love her. And that is so very simple to do.

When you become a mother you stop being the picture and instead become the frame.

Lots of love

Monday 10 March 2008

Well Hot Damn, the Girl Can Sleep!

Our little Anya is now 11 weeks old and has been going through a few growing pains lately. She is getting very difficult to settle and we have found that the only way to calm her is to let her sleep on my chest. May not sound like that much of a hardship I know, but it means I am stuck on the sofa all day every day. The housework has been piling up and we needed to find something that would settle her. So today we went shopping and I used my birthday money to buy her a new bouncy chair. It bounces, it rocks, it vibrates, it has a pressure sensitive foot rest and a light up toy bar that attaches as well. It plays music and nursery rhymes but more importantly...SHE SLEEPS! Yay! Best damn birthday present I ever got! LOL

Lots of love

Sunday 2 March 2008

First Mother's Day!

Well, in the UK anyway. My first mother's day...I can't believe it. It still sometimes shocks me that I am a mum and Anya is 10 weeks old already...surely it will sink in soon. :)

We're all doing beautifully though. Anya is rapidly piling on the pounds. She was 7lbs 8oz at birth and is now 12lbs 2oz...and it shows too! She almost out of her 0-3 month clothes already. Although that is partly due to her length. She's grew 8cm in the first 8 weeks! Or for you Canadians out there...that's just over 3 inches. It looks like she's going to be tall...thank god she inherited the Cashmore genes rather than the Phillips genes! :)

She had her 8 week check on the 21st and everything went well. The doctor was happy with her progress and amazed at her growth! She then had her first immunisations and mummy cried almost as much as Annie. It was horrible and the poor little lady was so upset. It broke my heart and I have to take her back for round two in another two weeks. :(

We're also finally getting moving on the immigration forms. Andy's police check came back last week and we have been filling in all the forms and getting all the necessary paperwork together. What a bloody job!! I can't believe how time consuming it has been. I have to do some photocopying tomorrow (and by some I mean hundreds of pages...eek!) and then hopefully it should be getting sent off by Tuesday or Wednesday. So please, cross fingers, toes, legs AND eyes for us that everything goes through ok. :)

I've also posted February's video on YouTube. The link is on the right.

Lots of love