
30 December 2008
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19 December 2008
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Sunday 21 October 2007

7 Weeks and Counting.....

Only 7 weeks left to go and I can hardly believe it! The months have absolutely flown by and lil' bean is going to be with us before we know it.

As of last Friday I am 7 months pregnant and getting bigger by the day! I wake up every morning and cannot believe that I am even bigger than I was the night before. I still have 7 weeks of growing to do but I can't see how I can get bigger than I am now.

As big as I look, I have behaved myself. I have kept my diet very balanced and on the whole relatively healthy. And so far, I've only gained 15 pounds which, from everything I have read, is damn good!

I'm feeling really good and I start my maternity leave at the end of this week! I am so excited! Andy and I will get some time together before the baby comes which we desperately need and we'll also be able to do all the last minute preparations together. It's finally starting to sink in for us that we're going to be parents. It's exciting and scary at the same time but we are definitely looking forward to it.

Lots of love

Friday 5 October 2007

So Very Tired...

The time is flying by and I can't believe it. It still feels like just yesterday when we found out we were having a baby and now here we are approaching 31 weeks pregnant. Just 9 weeks to go...63 days and we'll be parents. It is finally starting to feel real and although it does scare me a little now and then, Andy and I have never been happier. Andy smiles so much now. He is finally letting himself get excited and it shows. He touches my belly all the time and every night before I go to sleep he rubs my belly and talks to lil' bean. It is the sweetest thing.

I am starting to get a little tired of the big belly though. Don't get me wrong, I love being pregnant, but between backache, lack of sleep, my lungs being used as punching bags and my bladder a trampoline....I'm feeling a wee bit fragile. :) It will be better once I am on maternity leave though (three weeks to go!) so I am holding out for that when I can catch up on my sleep and start getting ready for lil' bean's arrival.

We still have so much to buy though. I just hope the bank card holds out and doesn't burst into flame!! :)

Lots of love