
30 December 2008
New blog entry
Updated Photo links

19 December 2008
New blog entry
Updated Photo links

Saturday 26 January 2008

Our Girl Smiles!!

And it is the cutest little smile ever! She's been smiling for about a week now, but she'd only do it if we smiled at her. Now she just smiles for no reason at all. And she's talking to us as well. She grunts and grins and I adore the lil sweetie! I've put a video of her grinning up in the video section on the right as well as a couple more photographs as well.

AND...she's 5 weeks old today!! :) I can't believe how quickly the days are passing.

Lots of love

Thursday 24 January 2008

Blog Updates

I've been a busy girl today and have finally managed to create a video section on my blog. You can click through each individual video through the menu on the right or go direct to my YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/profile?user=summcash

Go have a look!

Lots of love

Saturday 19 January 2008

Four Weeks Old...

...and she's growing like a weed!! The health visitor came by on Wednesday and she weighs 9lbs 5 oz. She has gained almost two pounds in just under four weeks! The health visitor is happy with her progress though and has discharged us to clinic. That means they won't come to the house anymore but we can still pop in to the clinic whenever we want if we have any concerns about Anya. We do have to go about every two weeks though just to monitor her weight and progress.

She is growing so quickly...it amazes me! She is getting really good at holding her head up and can support it for longer and longer every day. She also is starting to focus on me and Andy. It's so nice when I'm talking to her and she looks right at me. She's also grinning as well!! My little girl makes me so happy. She's my little star.

Although...I have to ask...how the hell does the government expect you to take a passport photo of a baby and STILL conform to their strict photo guidelines?? Andy and I spent almost an hour trying to get a decent picture of her the other night and it was virtually impossible. Although the pictures we came out with are HILARIOUS!! I have to put them up here...they are too funny not to share.

Lots of love

Saturday 12 January 2008

Three Weeks Old....

....and colic has settled in.


On the plus side:

I quit smoking 1 Year, 18 minutes and 11 seconds ago (365 days). I have saved £1,157.99 by not smoking 5,475 cigarettes. I have saved 2 Weeks, 5 Days and 15 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 12 January 2007.

Lots of love

Tuesday 8 January 2008

Two and a Half Weeks...

...and we're exhausted! But absolutely loving every second of it. Anya is growing so fast and is putting on weight with every health check she has. She is doing really well and we are finally starting to settle in to being parents. It's only just started to feel real to us. For the first week and a half it felt as though we were her babysitters and her real mum and dad would be coming to collect her soon. It's nice to finally feel like she is ours forever.

My mum, dad and brother got here on New Year's Eve for a visit and I think they fell in love with her. Andy and I hardly held her the entire week they were here as they had to cram a couple months of cuddles into one week. They spoiled her rotten (which we were expecting...first grandchild/niece) and left on Sunday. Hopefully we'll be moving back to Canada in a couple months and they will be able to see her whenever they want.

Anya is a little darling and I am loving being her mummy. I have a hard time looking at her and not smiling. We are finally a family now and I have never been happier with my life. I have put up loads more pictures of my little girl. Click on the "Photos" section to the right.

Lots of love