
30 December 2008
New blog entry
Updated Photo links

19 December 2008
New blog entry
Updated Photo links

Tuesday 30 December 2008

Birthday + Christmas = STRESS!!

It has been a long stressful week. My mom was meant to get here early in the morning on Saturday the 20th but because of severe snow storms in Canada and the States was delayed 24 hours in Chicago and finally made it on Sunday morning. She was pretty tired so we spent most of Sunday at home playing with Annie and napping!

Monday the 22nd was Annie's birthday and it was a wonderful day. I was busy all day long getting everything ready and was on my feet most of the day, but I would do it all over again for my baby girl. She is a year old and was spoiled rotten. We had a big party for her and she took great joy in demolishing her cake and eating every inch of icing off of it. She was awake until almost 10:30 at night (sooo close to her exact birthday -10:37pm) and crashed out when we put her to bed.

I had to work Tuesday so Andy, Annie and Nana hung out all day and played. We had our first mad dash to A&E too (ER for those of you over the pond). Just before bedtime we noticed a rash on her neck and assumed she was too hot so we stripped her off to just one layer. We then noticed the rash was down her back and tummy too. We decided to get her in the bath to try and cool her down but within 10 minutes it had spread up on to her face and down on her legs. She was scratching like crazy and Mummy went in to panic-mode! My first thought was allergies (my mom was thinking measles - there has been a recent outbreak in my area). So Andy and I bundled her up, loaded her in the car and drove to the hospital, by which time her face was covered in red blotches. We only had to wait about 20 minutes and were sent straight in. The doctor checked her over thoroughly and decided that it wasn't an allergic reaction or measles. It was something called Nettle Rash which can be caused by about a million different things. She had some new pyjamas from my mom which she slept in Monday night and was in all day Tuesday. I was naughty and didn't wash them before putting her in them (bad Mummy!) and I think it was the perfumes and starches in the material that caused the reaction. But there's no way to know for certain what caused it. She was given some medicine and was absolutely fine the next morning (phew!). It was the first time she has ever been sick (besides the 1 cold she had in September) and I was a mess! hehe...I'm such a softie when it comes to my girl.

Christmas Eve was spent at home. Annie had to have her next round of immunisations in the morning but they didn't seem to affect her and she spent most of the day playing and laughing with Nana and Nanny while Andy and I snuck out to have some time to ourselves.

Christmas Day started out absolutely lovely. We opened presents and had french toast. Annie didn't like the french toast but LOVED the Canadian maple syrup! Then we went to the cemetry to lay a wreath for Andy's dad and on to Rachel's for Christmas lunch. We spent the afternoon with Rach and her sister and then went home to meet up with Andy's Nan and Mum. As usual it ended up in an argument (I swear the women in Andy's family cannot spend more than 10 minutes in a room together without arguing). They were shouting and bitching at each other in front of Annie and I was tired of dealing with it. I shouted back at them that I was tired of this happening everytime we all got together and if they couldn't stop arguing they could both leave. Nan went off in a huff after calling me a "dirty liar" and Sue eventually left after I refused to speak to her. Everything is fine with Sue now, but Nan has still not spoken to either of us and I have a feeling it may be a very long time before we see her again. She comes round every Tuesday to visit with Annie and she didn't come today, so I am guessing she is still angry. That is fine. I know the way I spoke to her was wrong, but I won't apologise for what I said. I will not have Annie raised around arguing. Simple as that.

My mom left early in the morning on Friday and we then went on to Andy's Uncle Ian and Aunt Trish's house north of Manchester. We spent the day visiting with them and then stayed the night. The heating was turned off before bed and it was incredibly cold in the room. Annie woke up at 2am screaming and was absolutely freezing. I ended up bringing her into bed with me while Andy slept sitting up to keep Annie from rolling out of bed. We all dozed off and on but it was nearly 6am before Annie finally settled again. We were exhausted. We then hit major traffic heading home and an hour and half drive turned in to over 4 hours!

Now we are just trying to get Annie back on schedule and caught up on all the sleep she has missed in the last week. It was nice having my mom here for Christmas and Annie's birthday, even if it was just a quick visit. We've booked our tickets to Canada for 11 - 24th February. I'm not sure how much of a holiday it will be as we have loads of paperwork to get sorted for Andy in readiness for our permanent move over there, but hopefully we'll find some time to just relax.

I think I've blathered on for long enough. That's it for now!

Lots of love

Friday 19 December 2008

Bits and Bobs...

Again, I have neglected this blog. But if you have been reading long enough you would know by now than I am bone idle when it comes to things like this. :)

We have another buyer on the flat. He came to view last week and put an offer in later in the afternoon. It was considerably less than our original asking price but not too far off our current price. So I guess that is good. The sale price doesn't allow us to go back to Canada straight away. But our buyer is a landlord and has agreed to give us first refusal when it comes to renting it. So it looks like the deal with close/complete at some point in January, but we will continue living in it as tenants rather than owners. It will allow us to save until we are able to move to Canada. The earliest we'll be able to get back will be July (6 month tenancy agreements) but I think realistically it will probably be around September or October. It's a little longer than we were hoping, but at least Canada is still on the cards.

My beautiful Annie-bean will celebrate her first birthday on Monday and I can't believe it. While I love how independent and social she has become, I sometimes miss my tiny little baby. She is so much fun to be around now I laugh so many times a day as she learns how to make silly faces or she tests me to see how far she can push. She has perfected her "innocent angel" face and turns it on when she is caught doing something naughty. Her current favourite thing to do is to take the pebbles out of the pot plant and stick them in her mouth (they are too big for her to swallow, but still - naughty). It makes me howl with laughter how she looks at me with her innocent angel face when I tell her no and the entire time is still slowly reaching towards the plant. I think I may have to leave the discipline to Andy as I crumble when she turns those big eyes on me. :)

We have planned a party for Annie for Monday night and I am starting to wonder how we are going to cram 20 people into our little flat. It's only for an hour or two so we'll manage. Luckily most of them are smokers so they'll probably be a handful of people outside at any given time. I'll post pictures as soon as I can. :)

My mom is coming over for Christmas this year and should (current snow storm permitting) arrive tomorrow morning. It'll be nice to have her here for Christmas and for Annie's first birthday, especially as I can put her to work on Monday getting ready for the party! It's just a quick visit, but it's long enough to squeeze in a birthday party and Christmas morning.

Lots of love